Australian Navy submarine returns from record deployment


Royal Australian Navy submarine HMAS Rankin completed a record deployment as she returned to HMAS Stirling base after being deployed for nine months.

Commander Submarine Force Captain Matt Buckley described the event as “the longest single deployment for a Collins Class Submarine”.

During her deployment, Rankin participated in Exercise Pacific Reach, the international submarine escape and rescue exercise, operating out of South Korea.

Captain Matt Buckley, said that Rankin achieved many high points including: operating out of Fleet Base East for an extended four moth period; supporting fleet exercises like Ocean Master; Dipex (dipping exercise) with the new Seahawks MH60R and providing the border fleet with visit and sea-ride opportunities.

“Rankin has achieved all key mission objectives, including a number if firsts for Navy. I am extremely proud of the efforts of Rankin’s CO and ship’s company and am very thankful for the enduring support of their family and friends.”

“This extended period of high level activity has enabled Rankin to qualify numerous sailors and officers as submariners and provide the opportunity for on the job continuation training for many other,” he said.

According to the Royal Australian Navy, Rankin’s role as one of the submarines deploying into the Indo-Pacific theatre in 2016 underscores a resurgent submarine force now comprising five boats in service with the Fleet Commander.