Royal Navy opens new SHAMAN training unit


The Royal Navy has recently opened a new training facility for force protection and security, dubbed SHAMAN.

The First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Phillip Jones visited the Fleet Intelligence Centre (FIC), HMS Collingwood to officially open the SHAMAN operator and maintainer training facilities.

During the visit 1SL was introduced to approximately 20 key UK and US personnel, including representatives from both the military and Defence Industry associated with the SHAMAN project.

He also had the opportunity to meet the inaugural operators’ training course and instructors prior to being invited to officially open the training facilities.

Project SHAMAN is an essential Information Surveillance Targeting and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) tool in the delivery of Maritime Force Protection, security and manoeuvre.

According to the Royal Navy, it will significantly augment the fleet’s war fighting capability from 2017.

Commander Roger Noyce, Commanding Officer of the Maritime Intelligence Support Group, said: “We are honoured to welcome the First Sea Lord to the Fleet Intelligence Centre today to open the SHAMAN training facility.

“Project SHAMAN will introduce a significant uplift in capability for the Fleet and will greatly enhance our relationship with our global intelligence partners.”