Verreault Navigation bags contract for CCGS Pierre Radisson refit


The Canadian government has awarded Verreault Navigation a CAD$8.7 million contract to refit the 38 year old Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Pierre Radisson.

Swiss company ABB was previously awarded a contract to modernize Pierre Radisson’s hardware and software as part of the ship’s power distribution system upgrade.

Verreault Navigation will be in charge of conducting important refit and maintenance work.

This will include steel work, maintenance and repairs on several tanks, hull recoating, reconditioning the helicopter deck and hangar, replacement of windows and portholes, maintenance on propulsion and steering components, as well as interior repairs.

The work will be done in Les Méchins, Quebec. According to the Canadian government, work will begin in early September 2016 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2017.

CCGS Pierre Radisson is a medium icebreaker based in Québec, Quebec, normally operating in the St. Lawrence River, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Canadian Arctic.