US Navy conducts second SeaRAM live-fire test in Spain


The U.S. Navy has carried out a second live-fire test of the SeaRAM® anti-ship defense system installed on the USS Carney stationed in Rota, Spain.

USS Carney thereby became the second Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer stationed in Rota, Spain to fire the missile system.

On March 4, 2016, USS Porter became the first of four destroyer to employ the SeaRAM. You can watch the video of the USS Porter firing the missile here.

The U.S. Navy said that by year end, all four 6th Fleet destroyers would be equipped with the system which replaces the Phalanx Close-In Weapon System’s 20mm gun with a missile launcher.

According to Raytheon, the company in charge of manufacturing the system, the SeaRAM aboard USS Carney detected, tracked and engaged an inbound BQM-74E target, intercepting it with a RAM Block II missile in a mid-July test.

“These test results are evidence of our strong partnership with the U.S. Navy that is working to rapidly deliver solutions to protect our warfighters,” said Rick Nelson, vice president of Raytheon’s Naval Area and Mission Defense product line. “SeaRAM adds an important layer of defense to the Rota, Spain DDG’s and can provide protection to many naval ships facing today’s most worrisome threats.”

Intended to enlarge Phalanx’s keep-out range against evolving anti-ship missiles, rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft and other threats, SeaRAM Anti-ship missile defense systems use Phalanx Block 1B sensors and replace the gun with an 11-round Rolling Airframe Missile guide.

SeaRAM is also aboard the Independence variant of the U.S. Navy’s littoral combat ships.