German frigate ‘Bayern’ returns from counter-piracy deployment


German Navy’s Brandenburg-class frigate FGS Bayern is set to return from the operation Atalanta on August 20 after spending almost six months off the Horn of Africa combating piracy.

By leaving the mission area, the frigate has also concluded the German contribution to the mission.

FGS Bayern’s place as the flagship of the mission was taken by the Dutch air defence and command frigate HNLMS Tromp on August 6. On the same occasion German Navy Rear Admiral Jan Kaack handed over Force Command of the EU’s counter-piracy Operation Atalanta to Commodore René Luyckx from the Netherlands Navy.

Under the command of Commander Markus Brüggemeier, FGS Bayern sailed over 32,000 nautical miles conducting sea patrols in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean to ensure pirate attacks against seafarers remained suppressed.

Speaking about their important role, Commander Brüggermeier said: “I am really proud of my crew who have worked long hours, in often challenging weather conditions, to ensure that the waters off the coast of Somalia remain safe from pirates so vessels can reach their destinations safely. We are now looking forward to returning home and seeing our families.”

FGS Bayern is third of four German Navy Brandenburg-class frigates in service with the German Navy. The 138.8-meter ship joined the Navy in June 1996.