Destroyer combat systems training enhanced

Equipment & technology

With destroyer NUSHIP Hobart set to commence contractor sea trials next month before being delivered to the Royal Australian Navy next year, many of the growing number of the ship’s company have already undertaken AEGIS combat system training in the United States.

Some of them were able to hone these skills onboard a US Navy AEGIS ship while the ship was alongside in Australia last month.

At the invitation of US Navy Commander Destroyer Squadron 31, Captain Charles Johnson, eight Hobart electronics technicians embarked USS Spruance in Darwin for a day of training.

Having previously conducted AEGIS training in the US, the Hobart crew enjoyed a tour of the ship before Spruance personnel provided combat systems training in the operations room.

Utilising tailored scenarios that displayed capabilities and functionality unique to the AEGIS Weapon System, the event enabled the Hobart sailors to consolidate their previous training in preparation for delivery of the first destroyer next year, affording them the opportunity to glean deeper combat system knowledge from their US counterparts.

Deputy Weapons Electrical Engineering Officer Hobart, Lieutenant Commander Peter Shirley rated the experience highly.

“The benefits of this training opportunity and the chance to talk with experienced AEGIS technicians were immeasurable,” he said.

“Our team was excited to learn from the US officers and sailors and have walked away with additional knowledge and skills that will immediately support the introduction of Hobart.”

Opportunities for AEGIS experiential training with the US Navy are likely to become more frequent as the three Hobart class destroyers are transitioned into service and beyond.