German frigate to return from last operational deployment


German Navy frigate FGS Karlsruhe is scheduled to return from the Mediterranean Sea and her last operational deployment on September 16.

The ship was first part of operation Sophia and later joined the NATO-led Again Sea patrol mission aimed at curbing people smuggling.

Karlsruhe deployed half a year ago under the command of frigate captain Christian Clausing to join operation Sophia. “The good preparation and high motivation of the crew allowed us to successfully complete our mission and save the lives of several hundred people,” the ship’s commander said.

After a couple of weeks off the coast of Libya, Karlsruhe replaced the German combat support ship Bonn as the flagship of NATO’s Aegean Sea mission in June.

Having sailed 30.125 nautical miles during her deployment, the frigate will have the special honor of returning to port with a 120 meter long streamer built by its crew. Commander Clausing said he was happy that the frigate’s last deployment was a success.

The Karlsruhe will remain in service until 2017 when it will be replaced by the first F125 frigate Baden-Württemberg.