Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Group has new commander


Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Group battle staff,formed eighteen months ago and led by Commodore Jerry Kyd has now welcomed a new commander.

Commodore Andy Betton took command of the group on September 16 taking up the responsibility to ensure that the Royal Navy is ready to see the return of carrier-borne, task group operations, utilising fast-jet capability.

Cdre Kyd, who is now in command of HMS Queen Elizabeth, took the UK CSG from an embryonic start in Spring 2015 to the now 22 strong (and growing) core 1* Battle Staff.

It has been a great privilege to serve as the Commander of the UK Carrier Strike Group.

“Starting with just a desk and my thoughts some 18 months ago, I have seen the organisation grow, mature and gain strides in ensuring that the best foundations have been laid for the future of this exciting new capability and era for the Royal Navy.

“I am very proud to have been appointed as the first Commander of this wonderful organisation and wish Commodore Andy the best in taking on this envious mantle.”

COMUKCSG as part of the wider 2* Commander UK Maritime Force Staff, is set to be front and centre of Royal Navy and UK operations for the next 50 years.

Utilising the new capabilities of the Lightning II (F-35B) fast-jet, this 1* Battle Staff will Command a UK Joint and likely Combined Maritime Task Group, on global operations in the future.