Australian Navy cadets embark HMAS Leeuwin for hydrographic experience


Royal Australian Navy cadets had an opportunity to witness hydrographic operations at sea when they embarked in HMAS Leeuwin with Hydrographic Survey Red Crew for a 10 week survey task off Western Australia’s North West Shelf.

When Leeuwin sailed from Cairns for trials, the ship’s company took the opportunity to embark cadets from Training Ship Endeavour, located in Cairns, the majority of whom had never been to sea on a Royal Australian Navy vessel.

Every Navy ship is twinned with a Navy Cadet Unit within Australia to enable a rapport to be developed between the cadets and the crew, and to encourage cadets to gain an understanding of Navy life.

Leeuwin is twinned with Training Ships Ganning, Marmion, Morrow, Perth and Pilbara, all of which are quite a distance from Leeuwin’s home port.

Fourteen cadets and two staff members from TS Endeavour embarked in Leeuwin to experience a day at sea.

Executive officer of TS Endeavour, Sub Lieutenant Lesa Jarvis, ANC, said in her time at the unit they had undertaken many ship tours.

“This is the first opportunity the for the cadets to have a sea ride,” Jarvis said.

On arrival, the cadets were greeted by the commanding officer, Commander Nic Zillman, and then participated in a colours ceremony on the quarterdeck.

The cadets were escorted by two members of the ship’s company who were former cadets.

Throughout the day the cadets participated in a variety of activities including observing the ship depart from HMAS Cairns, dressing in thermal protective suits and firefighting equipment. The visitors watched as ship’s company responded to a simulated fire, recovered a survey motor boat and received briefings on the various pieces of hydrographic equipment.