Australian Navy receives first SM-2 missile for new Hobart-class destroyers


The first upgraded Standard Missile (SM-2) All-Up Round was delivered to the Royal Australian Navy in what is considered a major capability upgrade for the navy.

Hobart class destroyers will be the first Australian warships to be equipped with the upgraded Standard Missile (SM-2).

According to Director General Explosive Materiel, Commodore Simon Ottaviano, the delivery marks the culmination of years of planning and dedicated work.

“This is a milestone event for both capability acquisition and sustainment group, and navy in delivering this capability as it ensures that the new destroyers have the most advanced area air defense weapon available in the world,” Commodore Ottaviano said.

“The DDGs will use the Mk 41 Vertical Launch System where each missile is stored in its own canister until launched. The existing stock of SM‑2 missiles will be converted from rail launch to vertical launch configuration to be used in the destroyers.”

The air-defence missile is used to defend ships from attack by anti-ship missiles and aircraft and can be used against surface vessels. SM‑2 was introduced into the Navy in 2009 in the Adelaide class frigates to replace the obsolete SM-1.

In another milestone event NUSHIP Hobart recently completed ship builder sea trials after several days of testing in South Australian waters.

According to the Royal Australian Navy, further sea trials will take place in early 2017 when Hobart conducts more advanced testing of the ship’s combat and communications systems.