French stealth frigate La Fayette docks in Mombasa, Kenya


French Navy’s stealth frigate La Fayette was recently welcomed into the port of Mombasa, Kenya in what was the first visit of an EU Naval Force ship to the Kenyan port in over a year.

FS La Fayette is currently deployed to Operation Atalanta contributing to counter-piracy activities off the Horn of Africa.

During the visit, La Fayette’s Commanding Officer, Commander Stanislas Delatte, took the opportunity to meet with staff from the Kenyan military. He spoke with Kenyan Navy Commander, General Mghalu, and discussed the current maritime situation in the waters off Somalia.

The meeting was an opportunity to strengthen ties between EU NAVFOR and the Kenyan Navy; a key regional partner of the organization in the area. The Kenyan Navy is a significant player in efforts to deter and disrupt Somali piracy and ensure maritime security is maintained in the Indian Ocean.

On completion of her visit to Mombasa, La Fayette resumed her counter-piracy patrols off the coast of Somalia and the protection of World Food Programme vessels delivering humanitarian aid to the Somali people.