USS Zumwalt visits Mayport en route to San Diego


The U.S. Navy’s next-generation guided-missile destroyer USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000), arrived in Mayport, Florida, for a port visit October 25 after a period of operations in the Atlantic Ocean.

Mayport marks Zumwalt’s fifth port visit after it departed the Bath Iron Works shipyard and headed to her new homeport in San Diego.

As the lead ship of a class of multi-mission destroyers, Zumwalt features a completely new electric propulsion system, wave-piercing tumblehome hull, stealth design, and the latest warfighting technology and weaponry available.

The ship was commissioned Oct. 15 in a ceremony in Baltimore, during which Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus delivered the principal address to more than 7,000 guests.

“We arrived in Mayport after a highly successful commissioning week in Baltimore,” said Capt. James A. Kirk, commanding officer of Zumwalt. “The crew has performed superbly through a period of at-sea operations and testing, and will now get a chance to experience the hospitality and professionalism of Mayport Naval Station and the surrounding community.”

The ship’s crew members will conduct maintenance and training while moored in Mayport, but will also get a chance to enjoy liberty and recreational events.

While in port, Zumwalt Sailors will conduct tours and engagements with other Mayport surface ships from U.S. 4th Fleet.

The destroyer is scheduled to begin her transit to her new homeport of San Diego, making several port visits along the way. Upon arrival in San Diego, Zumwalt will begin installation of her combat systems, testing and evaluation, and operational integration with the fleet.