Canadian Navy chief visits NATO’s London headquarters


Commander of the Royal Canadian Navy met with the commander of the Allied Maritime Command at the headquarters of NATO’s maritime forces in the United Kingdom’s Northwood facility near London.

Vice Admiral Ron Lloyd (Royal Canadian Navy) and Vice Admiral Clive Johnstone (Royal Navy) talked about the maritime operations of NATO and the Royal Canadian Navy on October 19.

In addition, they participated in briefings and senior staff discussions which highlighted the common challenges faced by their respective commands and opportunities presented to further develop the long-term relationship they enjoy.

“Time and again, the Canadian contribution to NATO operations and exercises has proven to be of great value in terms of operational capabilities and the professionalism of Canadian naval personnel and aircrew. They bring with them not only the effective technical capabilities of their various platforms but that great Canadian esprit de corps propelled by a ‘Can Do’ attitude to their assigned tasks,” said VAdm Johnstone. “I welcome any ships, submarines and aircraft Canada can provide in support of our efforts at collective defence along, of course, with the continuing presence of Canadians amongst the members of my headquarters staff.”

Vice Admiral Lloyd, was impressed by the opportunity for the interchange with the international maritime staff at MARCOM Northwood and the shared perspectives that were a result. He especially appreciated the increased opportunities for coordinated activities between NATO and Alliance navies such as Canada’s, as represented by Canadian participation in recent Standing NATO Maritime Group operations, NATO exercises and NATO navies participation in the Canadian Cutlass Furry exercise held off Canada’s Atlantic coast.