UK, Norway increase maritime patrol aircraft cooperation


Defense ministers of the UK and Norway have agreed to step up their defense relationship during a November 10 meeting where UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced new cooperation on maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) and exercises.

After a visit to Norway’s top military headquarters, close to the Arctic Circle on Thursday, Fallon announced that the UK and Norway would work closer on maritime patrol aircraft cooperation, including in reducing costs and increasing operational effectiveness.

The UK announced that it would procure nine Boeing P8 MPA in last year’s Strategic Defence and Security Review. The new capability, which will be based in Scotland, will allow for enhanced situational awareness in key areas such as the North Atlantic, and will also further increase the protection of the UK’s nuclear deterrent and the nation’s two new aircraft carriers.

“Britain needs Maritime Patrol Aircraft to keep watch over the seas. As part of our £178 billion defence equipment program, we’ve committed to new maritime patrol aircraft that are able to monitor threats to Britain and our armed forces,” Michael Fallon said.

“By stepping up cooperation with Norway on maritime patrol, we will help keep Britain safer and more secure.”