German frigate protecting French aircraft carrier concludes ISIS mission


FGS Augsburg, the German Navy frigate deployed with the the French aircraft carrier FS Charles de Gaulle, concluded its mission and left the group on November 14.

The  F122 Bremen-class frigate spent two months off the coast off Syria protecting the French carrier while it carried out airstrikes against ISIS.

This was Augsburg’s second deployment with the carrier strike group after completing its first one in March this year. The frigate earlier spent three and half months in the east Mediterranean Sea between December 2015 and March 2016.

Augsburg was part of group that consisted of up to six ships at a time, all making sure nothing comes close to the carrier as it launches aircraft to combat missions.

FS Charles de Gaulle itself was initially scheduled to return to France mid-October but French president Francois Hollande decided to prolong the carrier’s mission to retake Mosul in Iraq until mid-December.

Photo: German Navy
Photo: German Navy