RFA Wave Ruler returns to FOST support activities


Following an operational tasking in the second part of 2016, RFA Wave Ruler returned home for a maintenance period which was completed in January.

Wave Ruler returned to her tanker duties in support of Flag Officer Sea Training (FOST) after setting sail on January 22.

Wave Ruler is tasked to carry out roles that range from replenishing fuel to British and foreign warships undergoing sea training, conducting air and submarine defence exercises to acting as a merchant vessel that could be carrying illegal goods.

The period working in the FOST areas provides an opportunity for training personnel and developing their professional skills, especially those sailing with the RFA for the first time.

Commanding officer, Captain Rob Anders, being an ex “FOSTIE “is back on familiar territory.

He said “The crew of RFA Wave Ruler have really enjoyed the higher tempo of operations with multiple replenishments and opportunities to work with ships of different nationalities.

“FOST is widely recognised as the world leader in operational sea training, and the benefit of being the FOST tanker is the opportunity to weekly integrate as part of a multi-national task group and practice our core skills.

“There are a lot of personnel gaining valuable experience here that they will take to other vessels enabling the Royal Fleet Auxiliary to maintain our leadership in the field of delivery of maritime logistical effect.t.“

In between what has been a hectic schedule, the ship’s crew found time to hold a charity quiz night and managed to raise £302 which will be equally divided between cancer research UK and MacMillan cancer support.