Denmark sends maritime patrol aircraft to support Indian Ocean monitoring


Denmark is sending a Bombardier Challenger 604 maritime patrol aircraft to support the monitoring of shipping traffic in the Indian Ocean, the country’s ministry of foreign affairs announced on May 5.

It was further said that Denmark would make a Challenger airplane available for the Mediterranean efforts to monitor EU’s outer borders under Frontex.

“With the deployment of our Challenger airplane to Frontex and Combined Maritime Forces, Denmark again contributes vital surveillance capabilities,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Anders Samuelsen. “I also look forward to Denmark contributing – in close cooperation with France – to the Combined Maritime Forces around the Horn of Africa and thereby improving maritime security, such as limiting funding of terrorism and organised crime.”

The Danish air detachment to Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) will be deployed for some 30 days from the middle of May 2017 to the middle of June 2017.

During its deployment, the detachment will be tasked to support Task Force 150 by gathering intelligence, which can contribute to on-going surveillance and building situational awareness in the Indian Ocean. At the time of deployment, Task Force 150 will be under French leadership.

Denmark has previously contributed naval vessels to Combined Maritime Forces, as well as supplying the Force Commander of Task Force 151. In addition to this, Danish military personnel have since 2007 been deployed to the CMF headquarters, located in Bahrain.

In addition to supporting CMF, Denmark has previously contributed to Frontex’ effort to monitor the EU’s outer borders. In the beginning of 2017, the Royal Danish Air Force had deployed a Challenger airplane in support of operation Triton, the main task of which is to monitor the outer border of the EU in the Mediterranean Sea.