Two NATO groups arrive in Estonia for visit, ordnance disposal operations


A total of six ships from two NATO groups arrived to Tallinn, Estonia, on Friday, for a port visit and subsequent historic ordnance disposal operations.

Prior to entering port, Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group One (SNMCMG1) and Standing NATO Maritime Group One (SNMG1) took part in a maneuvering and photo exercise with Estonian Navy flagship minehunter Admiral Cowan.

Over the weekend, both groups will be able to resupply for further operations while the sailors will have some free time to rest.

Starting on Monday, ships from SNMCMG1 will conduct historic ordnance disposal operations in Estonian waters. Prior to arriving to Estonia, the group carried out the same operations in Oslo Fjord, Norway, and near Latvia.

SNMCMG1 is currently composed of NATO group flagship ENS Wambola and minehunters HNoMS Hinnøy from Norway, Royal Navy’s HMS Ramsey and Belgian Navy’s BNS Primula. SNMCMG1 is under command of Estonian Navy Officer Commander Johan-Elias Seljamaa.

SNMG1 is currently led by Norwegian frigate HNoMS Roald Amundsen and comprises Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen.