USS Blue Ridge gets CANES upgrade


The flagship of the U.S. 7th Fleet, USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19), became the first ship of its class to obtain a large-scale upgrade to its network infrastructure in March with the installation of CANES.

The Consolidated Afloat Network and Enterprise Services (CANES) is a more integrated and flexible virtualized network that provides users with updated software and services, such as improved information assurance and intrusion detection.

The installation increases internal communication, ship security and an overall standardization for meeting the requirements of modern day operating systems.

According to Information Systems Technician 1st Class Chris Martinez, every ship platform has its own set version of CANES, but Blue Ridge, as a command and control flagship, is getting its own special installation with an emphasis on infrastructure.

In addition, Information Systems Technician Chief Petty Officer Travoria Young said “We are the first ship to upgrade to this version of CANES. This is the largest CANES installation in the Navy thus far with the latest updated version available to the fleet.”

This version is currently being installed on both Blue Ridge-class command ships, Blue Ridge and U.S. 6th Fleet flagship USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20). Young and Martinez said that the planning for the installation has been a long and demanding process.

The projected completion date for the ship’s CANES update is Sept. 2017. However, this doesn’t take into account the amount of training and preparation required to get the Information Services Department up to speed with the new network before deployment.

“We need to make sure that everybody is prepared before deployment, and has the right software needed for fulfilling mission accomplishment as well as day-to-day tasks,” said Martinez.