Spanish, Pakistani warships meet off Somali coast

Training & Education

EU NAVFOR’s Spanish warship ESPS Patiño met up with CTF151 Pakistan warship PNS Tariq to conduct counter-piracy exercises at sea off the Somali coast on November 27. 

Personnel from each vessel were transferred between warships to understand each other’s capabilities and focus on the major aspects of counter-piracy deterrence and prevention.

As explained by EU NAVFOR, cooperation at this tactical level is essential in continued combined operations and building on the successes of both missions to date.

The deployed units of EU NAVFOR are currently under the command of an Italian led Force Commander, Rear Admiral Fabio Gregori, and Captain Yusuf Almannaei of the Royal Bahrain Navy is currently in command of CTF 151.

Cross-boarding of personnel is common when two maritime forces meet at sea with similar missions. In this case, it is to disrupt piracy at sea and to engage with regional and other partners to build maritime capabilities in order to protect global maritime trade throughout the region.