Naval Today has a new mobile website!


Naval Today is proud to announce the launch of a new, revamped, and most importantly, improved mobile website. You can access it using your smartphone at

We’ve been working on it for some time now, as we’ve realized that more and more readers consume their news using the ever-present smartphone.

According to Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2017, in many regions of the world, the smartphone has surpassed the usage of a desktop PC or a laptop as the primary device for news.

One of the reasons for the rise of mobile news consumption is the simple fact that a smartphone is more convenient than a PC. It is cheaper, and always there. You don’t have to change rooms and turn on the computer to get a fresh dose of news.

Anne Visser, Business Unit Manager at Navingo, comments: “The use of mobile devices to access is increasing, therefore we are pleased to offer this improved format to our readers. The development process was focused on improvement of the user experience, providing easy mobile access to the information on”

“It is now also possible to personalize the categories of the homepages based on your preferences, simply by changing the settings in the menu,” Anne added.