Lockheed gets $150m contract to install high energy laser on a Flight IIA DDG-51 destroyer


The US Naval Sea Systems Command has awarded Lockheed Martin Aculight Corp. a $150 million contract for work on the Surface Navy Laser Weapon System, previously known as the Seasaber.

The contract will see Lockheed Martin develop, manufacture, and deliver two High Energy Laser and Integrated Optical-dazzler with surveillance system (HELIOS) systems by fiscal year 2020.

The two systems will be installed aboard a Flight IIA Arleigh Burke-class destroyer and a land-based testing site.

According to a defense department announcement, this contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $942,818,114.

NAVSEA awarded this contract after issuing a request for proposal (RFP) on June 18.

The RFP said the High Energy Laser with Integrated Optical-dazzler and Surveillance (HELIOS) project is focused on accelerating the fielding of laser weapon systems to the fleet, with an incremental approach for increasing capability as laser technology continues to mature.

HELIOS is expected to field a 60-150 kW class High Energy Laser (HEL), along with an integrated Counter Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C-ISR) laser for non-destructive dazzling capability against UAV-mounted sensors.

Depending on the performance of the first two systems, the navy has options to order up to nine of the systems.