German minehunter FGS Bad Bevensen joining SNMCMG1


German Navy’s Frankenthal-class mine hunter FGS Bad Bevensen is scheduled to depart its Kiel homeport on February 25 to join the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 1 (SNMCMG1).

The minehunter will spend the next five months operating in the North and Baltic Seas.

FGS Bad Bevensen will be under the command of Corvette Captain Anna Prehn and will officially join the group during a SNMCMG1 port call to Bremen, Germany.

Throughout their deployment to the group, the crew of FGS Bad Bevensen will be supported by a team of Portuguese mine divers.

While deployed to SNMCMG1, Bad Bevensen will take part in NATO drills Joint Warrior and Open Spirit as well as the US-led BALTOPS.

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) is one of four standing maritime groups composed of ships from various allied countries. Belgian Navy Commander Peter Ramboer is currently at the helm of the group commanding from his flagship, Dutch Submarine support and torpedo tender ship HNLMS Mercuur.

FGS Bad Bevensen is expected to return home mid-June.