ESPS Patiño crew train with Tanzanian Navy in Dar es Salaam

Training & Education

On April 3, EU NAVFOR Spanish Navy replenishment oiler Patiño hosted members of the Tanzanian Navy during a port visit to Dar es Salaam.

During the visit, the Tanzanian forces had the chance to train with the Spanish crew, who demonstrated their techniques in navigation and damage control procedures.

In the navigational exercises, the Tanzanian forces enhanced their understanding of how a Spanish ship like Patiño navigates on the high seas, coastal areas and its use of radar and global positioning systems. They were also introduced to navigational chart work to plot courses and record course and direction.

After this, the Tanzanian forces improved their basic skills in damage control exercises. This included firefighting, the use of emergency air supply escape sets and heat detection techniques on faulty electrical equipment.

Working together with international partners to improve maritime capabilities is essential to the continued success of Operation Atalanta, which combats piracy, off the coast of Somalia, EU NAVFOR said.