NATO SNMCMG1 completes ordnance disposal ops off France


Ships from Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One (SNMCMG1) wrapped up historical ordinance disposal operations (HODOPS) with the French Navy entering Saint Malo, France, for a port visit on April 15.

During the HODOPS, SNMCMG1 surveyed more than 90 square kilometers in Dieppe Bight, on the French side of the English Channel.

According to NATO Maritime Command (MARCOM), the group found a total of 6 aircraft bombs and 2 mines.

German minehunter FGS Bad Bevensen (Crew DELTA) hosted a Portuguese Diving Team to work in coordination with the ship’s Pinguin B3 (Remotely Operated Vehicle) for identification and mine neutralization or destruction.

In addition to actual mines and bombs, 133 bottom objects were identified. Each identification even of a stone at the bottom reduces the risk to shipping and fishing in the area.

SNMCMG1 is led by Belgian Navy Commander Peter Ramboer and currently consists of flagship Dutch support ship HNLMS Mercuur, Royal Navy mine countermeasures vessel HMS Cattistock, German Navy mine hunter FGS Bad Bevensen, Belgian mine hunter BNS Narcis and Norwegian minesweeper HNoMS Otra.