Damen, Saab team up for Brazilian Tamandaré-class corvette RFP


Dutch shipbuilder Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding and Swedish defense contractor Saab announced they are joining forces to bid for the Brazilian Navy’s corvette acquisition project.

Brazilian Navy photo of an artist's rendering of a Tamandaré-class corvette

Brazil issued a request for proposals for the construction of four new Tamandaré-class corvettes in December 2017.

Under the agreement between the two companies, Damen would be providing ship design services while Saab would be responsible for the combat management system.

Damen will offer an adapted Sigma 10514 ship design which was earlier selected by Indonesia and Mexico.

Saab will provide, in case the partners’ proposal is chosen by the Brazilian Navy, the complete combat system including the Saab 9LV Combat Management System (CMS).

As explained by Saab, this project is proposing a large technology transfer program, in addition to partnerships with local companies, benefiting the Brazilian defense industry.

According to the Brazilian RFP, the vessels are to be built in Brazil, or with great involvement of the Brazilian industry, in collaboration with a foreign shipbuilder.

The corvettes are expected to measure about 103 meters in length and displace up to 2,790 tons.

When it comes to armament, it is known that the ships will be equipped with MBDA’s SeaCeptor air defense missile system which was selected by Brazil in 2014.

“Saab is looking forward to the cooperation with Damen and the local partners for the CCT programme. We believe our proposal meets the requirements of the Brazilian Navy and offers the added value of industrial cooperation and transfer of technology that are intrinsic to Saab’s way of doing business,” says Marianna Silva, Head of Saab do Brasil.

“We at Damen appreciate the increasingly important task of the Brazilian Navy to safeguard the maritime domain against its existent and future threats and challenges. We are looking forward to participate in a constructive way in this process,” says Mr. Richard Keulen, director naval sales of Damen. “We also are confident that our product will integrate perfectly with those of Saab.”