Fire breaks out aboard under-construction Italian Navy support ship Vulcano


A fire broke out late Sunday aboard the logistic support ship Vulcano which is under construction at Fincantieri’s Mugiano shipyard in La Spezia.

Photo: Italian National Firefighters Corps

According to Italian media reports, the fire broke out around 22:30, local time, and originated in the ship’s engine room.

The Italian National Firefighters Corps on Monday said the fire had been brought under control after several hours of efforts. The intervention, which included air and waterborne support, is still ongoing, the service added

Local media reports say the vessel lists to one side. The extent of damage is yet to be determined, however.

A Fincantieri spokesperson confirmed that no one was injured in the fire as no one was on board at the time of the accident. The spokesperson further said that it was too early to know the extent damages and causes of the fire.

The LSS Vulcano is 193-meter long ship which was launched last month in a ceremony attended by Italian defense minister and other high-ranking officials.

The ship was slated for delivery to the navy in 2019. It remains to be seen whether the incident will affect the delivery schedule.