Germany unveils names of five new K130 corvettes


Germany’s defense ministry has announced names of the five new corvettes to be built for the country’s navy.

F260 corvette Braunschweig; Photo: German Navy

The second batch of Braunschweig-class (K130) corvettes will be named Köln, Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, and Lübeck. They will also be affiliated with their namesake cities.

As informed, the five vessels will be constructed in phases. ‘Köln’ is scheduled to start construction in January 2019, with a keel laying ceremony planned for April 2019.

Corvette Köln will be followed by Emden, Karlsruhe, Augsburg, and Lübeck. The keel for the final vessel is expected to be laid in December 2020.

In 2017, a contract worth €2.4 billion for the construction of the new corvettes has been awarded to the ARGE K130 consortium, composed of Lürssen Werft, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and the recently incorporated German Naval Yards Kiel.

German maritime technology firm Atlas Elektronik and Thales Deutschland have been also contracted to deliver combat systems for the five new K130 corvettes. In addition to combat systems, the contract will see the two companies set up and deliver a test and training center in Wilhelmshaven.

Braunschweig-class corvettes were ordered because of the navy’s increased scope and tempo of operations. Another reason is the fact that the MKS180 Multi-role Combat Ship order was delayed and the corvette announcement was interpreted as an offset to the delays.

The German Navy already operates five K130 ships. The second batch of corvettes will be similar in design to their predecessors, with updated technology.