Germany sends FGS Lübeck to SNMG2


German Navy’s frigate Lübeck will soon become part of the NATO’s Standing Nato Maritime Group 2 (SNMG2) in the Aegean Sea, the navy said. 

Frigate Lübeck; Photo: German Navy

The Bremen-class frigate will depart her homeport of Wilhelmshaven on August 6, 2018, in order to join the group.

Lübeck has been preparing for this deployment since the beginning of this year by participating in different drills such as one of Europe’s largest NATO exercises, Joint Warrior.

The vessel will replace the navy’s Brandenburg-class frigate FGS Bayern which spent the past six months operating within SNMG2.

Last year, Lübeck also took part in SNMG2 in the Aegean, supporting Greek and Turkish authorities and the European border agency Frontex in controlling and preventing human smuggling activities in the area.

FGS Lübeck is scheduled to return to Wilhelmshaven in late December 2018.