Colombian Navy hosts Unitas LIX exercise

Training & Education

Gathering in Cartagena, Colombian naval forces are taking the helm for Unitas LIX, a multinational maritime exercise taking place from August 31 – September 11. 

Photo: US Navy

Colombia is hosting eleven navies participating in the exercise — the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and the United Kingdom.

The country has been a participant in Unitas since 1960 and has hosted three times in Unitas history: 2005, 2013, and 2018.

Colombian navy Rear Adm. Gabriel Alfonso Perez Garces is the overall commander for the exercise.

“This is an incredible opportunity for our navies to come together and operate as a team to enhance our abilities to work together in the future. Developing skills and building lasting friendships with our counterparts is critical when we need to respond to any future maritime threats,” Rear Adm. Sean Buck, commander, US Naval Forces Southern Command/US 4th Fleet, commented.

The goal of Unitas LIX is to develop and test command and control of forces at sea. Specifically, there will be scenarios addressing electronic warfare, anti-air warfare and air defense, anti-surface warfare, maritime interdiction, and amphibious operations.