Fincatieri launches Spartaco Schergat, Italy’s ninth FREMM frigate


Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri launched the navy’s ninth FREMM frigate – the future ITS Spartaco Schergat – at its Riva Trigoso, Genoa, shipyard on January 26.

Spartaco Schergat ready for launch with the bow of a Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura ship visible in the background. Photo: Fincantieri

Godmother of the ceremony was Mrs. Anna Rosa Aonzo Grillo, daughter of the Golden Medal for Military Value, Giuseppe Aonzo.

After the launching, fitting activities will continue in the integrated naval shipyard of Muggiano (La Spezia), with delivery scheduled in 2020.

Spartaco Schergat is the ninth of overall ten FREMM frigates ordered by the Italian Navy as part of a joint Italo-French cooperation program under the coordination of OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Cooperation sur l’Armement, the international organization for cooperation on arms). 

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (51% Fincantieri, 49% Leonardo) acts as prime contractor for Italy in the initiative, while Armaris (Naval Group + Thales) is prime contractor for France. Italy will eventually operate six general purpose variants and four anti-submarine (ASW) variants, while France will operate six ASW and two anti-air warfare variants.

Named after the Royal Italian Navy frogman who damaged the British battleship Queen Elizabeth with a limpet mine in 1941, Spartaco Schergat will be a general purpose-configured variant with a full-load displacement of 6,900 tons and 144 meters in length. It will carry an OTO Melara gun, a 16-cell vertical launch system launching Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles, an MU90 lightweight torpedo launching system (Torpedo Launching System) and the Teseo MK2/A anti-ship system, based on the Teseo missile. The ship also has a flight deck for embarking two helicopters.


Photo: Fincantieri
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