Maya-class destroyer Haguru

Japan launches second Maya-class destroyer Haguro


The Japan Maritime Self Defense Force’s second Maya-class Aegis destroyer Haguro (DDG 180) was launched in a July 17 ceremony in Yokohama.

Photo: JMSDF

Built by Japan Marine United (JMU) Corporation, the 170-meter destroyer is an improved version of the Atago-class ships that entered service in 2007 and 2008.

The Maya-class will displace 8,200 tons and carry SM-3 Block IIA and SM-6 interceptors for the ballistic missile defense role, in addition to SM-2 and the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM).

The ships’ main gun is an Mk-45 Mod 4 naval gun in a stealth-shaped casing. With the new class of ships, Japan is also set to join Australia and the US in fielding the CEC  – a sensor data sharing tool currently found only on US and Australian Navy ships.

The lead ship in the class, Maya (DDG-179), was launched in July 2018 and is currently undergoing trials ahead of an expected March 2020 commissioning.

Haguro is expected to enter service a year later, in 2021.