Kongsberg to supply Finnish Navy corvettes with ASW and diver detection sonars

Equipment & technology

Norwegian marine technology company Kongsberg has been selected to deliver its anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and diver detection sonars for the Pohjanmaa-class corvettes currently being developed by the Finnish Navy under its Squadron 2020 project.

Photo: Kongsberg

Kongsberg Maritime AS, Sensor & Robotics has signed the relevant contract worth about NOK 100 million (USD 9.5 million) with Saab.

Under the terms of the contract, Kongsberg will equip the vessels with its SS2030 and SD9500 sonars, both of which boast acoustic properties which make them suited for deployment in shallow-water environments.

Photo: Kongsberg

The SS2030, principally devised for ASW operations and capable of detecting torpedoes or other small objects in the water column, is an active hull-mounted sonar which utilises sophisticated tracking algorithms. Its electronically-stabilised transmitting and receiving beams can be tilted to adjust to challenging sound speed profiles, with its integrated sound propagation model determining the optimal tilt settings and enhancing the probability of detection (PoD) ratio.

The SS2030 sonars will be delivered to the Finnish Navy complete with hoistable hull units and ice protection to ensure safe and efficient operation in the often harsh conditions of the Baltic Sea.

The SD9500, meanwhile, is a light and compact over-the-side dipping sonar with outstanding horizontal and vertical positioning capabilities for diver detection, ASW duties and volumetric survey assignments in shallow, reverberation-limited waters.

“We are very pleased to have been selected for another sonar program for the Finnish Navy and to further strengthen our position as a principal supplier of shallow-water ASW, diver detection and mine-hunting equipment,” Thomas H Dahle, Director of Sales at Kongsberg, said.

Under the Squadron 2020 project, four modern corvettes are to be built. They are designed for Finland’s conditions and will replace the Rauma-class fast-attack missile boats and Hämeenmaa-class minelayers that will reach the end of their life-cycle by the mid-2020s. The projected cost of the project is EUR 1.2 billion.


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