RCN's HMCS Calgary makes the largest ever heroin bust

RCN’s HMCS Calgary makes the largest-ever heroin bust


The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) vessel HMCS Calgary has made the largest ever heroin bust in Combined Maritime Forces history, operating under the command of the Canadian-led Combined Task Force (CTF) 150.

Courtesy of DND/MDN CANADA
RCN's HMCS Calgary makes the largest ever heroin bust
Courtesy of DND/MDN CANADA

On 23 April 2021, the record-setting haul of 1,286 kilograms of heroin was captured by Calgary. Less than 24 hours later, the ship also captured 360 kilograms of methamphetamine.

The previous record was when HMAS Darwin interdicted 1,032 kilograms of the drug in 2014.

The RCN frigate intercepted two vessels suspected of smuggling, whilst operating off the coast of Oman. The ship’s boarding team uncovered the high value contraband with a combined total worth of over $23.22 million.

This comes less than ten days after Calgary began operations in the region, increasing the total number of successful counter-narcotics operations under CTF-150 to 14 since the RCN took command of the task force on 27 January.

Calgary arrived in the CMF area of operations as a part of Canada’s Operation ARTEMIS on 15 April.

ARTEMIS is the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) mission to help stop terrorism and make Middle Eastern waters more secure. In 2021, CAF contributions to Operation ARTEMIS include commanding and operating CTF-150, naval support from HMCS Calgary and a Royal Canadian Air Force patrol aircraft.