Poles order iXblue’s DriX USV for navy’s hydrographic ops

Equipment & technology

The Hydrographic Office of the Polish Navy has purchased iXblue DriX uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) through the company’s local partner THESTA. 


An 8-meter long USV developed to conduct various missions, DriX is particularly well suited for hydrographic surveys. Equipped with advanced sensors (radar, lidar, cameras…) and its own artificial intelligence, the USV analyzes its environment, avoids obstacles, and carries out its missions autonomously. With its efficient Launch and Recovery System, DriX can be launched from a vessel or can directly sail from a harbor to autonomously map large areas of the ocean in a reduced amount of time, according to the company.

“The Hydrographic Office of The Polish Navy having led the way towards the adoption of autonomous solutions within the Polish Navy, we are honored that they turned to iXblue DriX USV as their next reliable and proven autonomous platform for their future bathymetric survey. By significantly increasing both the quality of the collected data and the survey area coverage, the use of this new Uncrewed Surface Vehicle will open up new possibilities for the Polish Hydrographic Office.” Cezary Majchrowicz, Technical Director at Thesta explained. 

The company also noted that the USV will help the Polish Navy acquire high-quality data while optimizing their survey productivity, efficiency, safety and environmental footprint. They are expected to further advance the Polish Navy’s hydrographic capabilities.

In April this year, iXblue inertial navigation systems (INS) were selected to provide critical navigation capabilities to the Polish Navy’s new Kormoran II-class mine countermeasure vessels (MCMVs).

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