AMA’s LMV-M design receives DNV’s approval in principle


The class certification society DNV has granted structural approval in principle (AiP) for the Australian Maritime Alliance’s (AMA) design for the Australian Army’s LAND 8710 phase 1A littoral manoeuvre vessel – medium (LMV-M) tender.

Photo: Serco

The vessel Oboe is an amphibious vessel, capable of carrying a diverse range of combat and support vehicles in service with the Australian Army. AMA, a new joint venture of companies Serco and Civmec, was created to ensure Oboe meets the army’s requirements and operational criteria.

In addition to a significantly increasing load-carrying capacity over the LCM-8 vessels they will replace, the Oboe offers both extended range accommodation facilities, to support long-endurance independent operations.

Photo: Serco

The Oboe’s size, load carry capacity and structural integrity are to allow the Australian Defence Force to deploy and operate these vessels under all environmental conditions.

The vessel will also offer the Australian Army an immediate step-change in operational capability and bring the inherent design flexibility to meet the challenges of the future.

Photo: Serco

“This design represents the next-generation in amphibious capability for Army, and with a stellar line up of the best Australian Industry has to offer, AMA is set to deliver just that,” Serco Defence Managing Director Clint Thomas AM, CSC, said.

Over the past year, the design of the new vessel has been optimized and refined to meet the needs of the Australian Army and now represents the next generation of amphibious capability.

This project builds on the companies’ experience gained through the ongoing delivery of the SEA1180 Arafura-class offshore patrol vessel program.