Kormoran II

Polish Navy receives second Kormoran II minehunter


Polish shipbuilder Remontowa Shipbuilding has handed over the second Kormoran II-class minehunter ORP Albatros to the Polish Navy.

Remontowa Shipbuilding

As informed, the delivery ceremony of the 58 meter-long ship took place at the company’s shipyard on 12 August. The ship was built by a consortium consisting of Stocznia Remontowa Shipbuilding, that belongs to the Remontowa Holding and members Ośrodek Badawczo – Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A. (OBR CTM S.A.) and PGZ Stocznia Wojenna (formerly Stocznia Marynarki Wojennej).

Remontowa Shipbuilding
Photo: Remontowa Shipbuilding

The handover of the ship was preceded by several months of delivery and acceptance trials, during which the offshore platform and mine threat equipment and systems were checked. Successful completion of the acceptance trials confirmed the ship’s ability to perform its main tasks, which include:

  • detecting, identifying and combating sea mines and other objects and explosives in sea areas,
  • securing sea communication routes,
  • conducting operations in mine threat areas,
  • environmental assessment in underwater areas.

Together with the first ship of the class, ORP Kormoran, and other unit ORP Mewa, the vessel will be part of the mine defense system of the Polish Navy.

The first Kormoran II minehunter was delivered five years ago.

On the basis of experience gained during its operation, certain modifications were introduced in the construction of subsequent vessels. Thanks to them, ORP Albatros, as well as subsequent vessels, is equipped with new devices for verifying sea areas. The ship’s artillery system was also changed to a more modern one.

ORP ALBATROS will become part of the 13th minesweeper squadron, which reports to the 8th Coastal Defence Flotilla in Świnoujście.

A few months ago, the Polish Government revealed it will buy another three Kormoran II vessels. On 26 June, a contract for the procurement of three more Kormoran II mine counter measure (MCM) vessels and additional support packages was signed at Naval Base Świnoujście.

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The ships are slated for delivery in 2026 and 2027 and will be part of the 12 Minesweeper Squadron (8th Coastal Defense Flotilla).