Construction starts on Finland’s first Squadron 2020 multi-role corvette


Rauma Marine Constructions (RMC) has held a steel-cutting ceremony for the first Squadron 2020 multi-role corvette for Finland. The traditional ceremony marked the start of the construction phase of the vessel.


Rauma Marine Constructions (RMC) and its subsidiary RMC Defence are building four Pohjanmaa-class corvettes. The high-performance vessels are designed to operate in the Baltic Sea year-round in various circumstances ranging from autumn storms to icy and freezing conditions.

The 117-meter-long corvettes will be constructed in a new multipurpose hall that has been built specifically for this project. RMC has also made significant investments in steel production, which will allow for the welding of even thinner plates. Furthermore, RMC has constructed a prototype of the vessel to determine the technical production capacity of the project. 

“We are proud of our involvement in a project as significant as this one. The start of production today clearly demonstrates that we have succeeded in completing the demanding design phase and are well-prepared to begin the manufacturing of the vessels,” said Mika Nieminen, CEO and President of RMC.

Pohjanmaa-class corvettes are equipped with monitoring capacities for air, surface and underwater surveillance.

They are also capable of laying navy mines, performing defence actions against surface vessels, submarines and various airborne targets and conducting maritime operations. In addition to domestic operations, the vessels can be used in crisis management measures and as part of NATO’s Standing Naval Forces.

“The design of the corvettes pays particular attention to shock resistance, noise levels and stealth technology. The multi-role corvettes are the first vessel class in the Finnish Navy that are designed and constructed under the surveillance of the ship classification society, including the ship’s performance in ice. The product development of the technically challenging corvettes will continue after the start of production,” said Timo Ståhlhammar, Commodore (N) ret. and Project Director at RMC.

The Squadron 2020 project is scheduled for completion by 2029.

Nearly all vessels the Finnish Navy has adopted since 1990 have been built at Rauma. Furthermore, a significant number of vessels owned by the Finnish State, including all multipurpose icebreakers and Finnish Boarder Guard patrol boats, have been built, maintained and repaired at Rauma.