Hanwha Systems to build ultra-large UUV for ROKN

Research & Development

South Korean company Hanwha Systems has signed a contract to build an ultra-large unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) system for the Repulic of Korea Navy (ROKN).

Hanwha Systems

As informed, the deal, signed with Agency for Defense Development (ADD), is worth KRW 29 billion ($22 million).

This project is the cornerstone for the development of a multi-purpose modular unmanned underwater vehicle (MRXUUV, Mission Reconfigurable eXtra-large Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) system that will enable the navy to independently perform underwater operations.

Ultra-large unmanned submarines are capable of performing various missions in a wide range of underwater areas, such as long-distance underwater surveillance and reconnaissance and mine laying.

Hanwha Systems plans to produce a prototype to verify the basic technology of a very large unmanned underwater vehicle capable of performing autonomous missions at long distances by August 2027.

Specifically, the firm will work on:

  • Design and integrate an unmanned submarine platform for each module that can be modified according to the mission;
  • Mission control equipment capable of autonomous control and remote communication mission control of the unmanned submarine;
  • Mission payload for weapon operation;
  • Mast specialized for underwater and surface operation environments.

“The importance of unmanned submarines is highlighted in modern warfare, and major advanced countries are also actively pursuing research on unmanned submarines ranging from small to very large classes,” Park Do-hyun, business representative of Hanwha Systems.

Meanwhile, Hanwha Systems participated in the development project for large-scale unmanned submarines for reconnaissance (autonomous control verification prototype for unmanned submarines, 2017-2022) hosted by the Agency for Defense Development.