Russia: Northern Fleet, Black Sea Fleet Get New Commanders



In accordance with presidential decree of June 24, Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev was appointed Northern Fleet (NF) Commander, and Rear Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov obtained the post of Black Sea Fleet (BSF) Commander, reports the Kremlin’s press service.

According to president Medvedev’s decree signed on June 24, Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev was relieved from the office of BSF Commander and appointed to NF Commander.

Rear Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov changed the post of Baltic Fleet (BF) Leningrad Naval Base Commander for BSF Commander.

The president relieved NF 2nd ASW Ship Division Commander Capt 1 rank Yevgeny Irzu from his office.

One day earlier, on June 23, Capt 1 rank Alexander Moiseyev was appointed Submarine Force Deputy Commander. Rear Admiral Sergei Rekish obtained the post of Pacific Fleet (PF) Deputy Chief of Staff.

Analogous post in Northern Fleet was taken by Capt 1 rank Arkady Romanov.

The presidential decree of June 23 relieved from office and retired PF Deputy Commander for Logistics Rear Admiral Yury Bailo. Also, deputy chief of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy Rear Admiral Alexei Tuzov left his post and was retired.

Source: rusnavy, June 27, 2011;