Ukraine’s Coast Guard to Receive 39 New Patrol Boats

Equipment & technology

First Ukrainian patrol boat will be put into service roughly in Aug 2012, reports Interfax-Ukraine referring to Deputy Chief of Ukrainian Frontier Service Pavel Shisholin.

As for Mr. Pavel Shisholin, “construction of Orlan-class patrol craft is currently in progress; this project was specially designed for Coast Guard Dept of Ukrainian Frontier Service. Another UAH 12-mln tranche was recently transferred for construction of the first serial boat“, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

According to reports of Ukrainian Frontier Service, state purpose-oriented program provides building of six Coral-class patrol boats, eight Orlan-class patrol boats, and 25 boats of other advanced projects within the period till 2020. In addition, in 2015 it is planned to lay down a multifunction patrol ship with displacement of about 1,000 tons and a helicopter on board.


Source: rusnavy, August 8, 2011;