Russia: PF ASW Ship Brigade Turns 45



Throughout this period, PF antisubmariners have participated in numerous important events. Only in the Indian Ocean ships of the brigade were on mission over 30 times. For instance, during Iran-Iraqi war of 1987-1990 in the Persian Gulf PF antisubmarine ships safely escorted 150 merchant ships through the action area.

At the turn of the centuries, Pacific antisubmariners paid friendly visits to Vietnam, India, Indonesia, China, Korea, Kuwait, Singapore, the U.S. and Japan.

In the recent four years the brigade performs important mission to protect civil shipping in the Gulf of Aden. Russian mariners have escorted hundreds of commercial ships through safety corridor. Thanks to their decisive actions, Russian sailors of tanker Moscow University were released from pirate captivity.

Currently, the sixth PF task unit led by large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev is heading for the Gulf of Aden and Horn of Africa.

Servicemen of the brigade were awarded with state awards and medals for courage displayed in that dangerous region. The brigade has won several Navy Commander’s and PF Commander’s prizes.

Source: rusnavy, September 2, 2011;