Russian Submarine Yury Dolgoruky Completes Another Trial Phase



Onboard systems of SSBN Yury Dolgoruky were tested during the 5-day cruise. However, the main mission was test launch of SLBM Bulava at the maximum flight range. The underwater launch was held in the morning of Aug 27. Bulava had delivered all warheads to assigned region of the Pacific Ocean at the stated time.

The sub and her crew headed by Capt 1 rank Vladimir Shirin were met by Director General of JSC Sevmash Andrei Diachkov, his deputy Mikhail Budnichenko, and chief of shipbuilding department Vladimir Prokofiev.

According to acting Sevmash‘s deputy director for defense production Sergei Marichev, the trial plan has been completed in full. “Apart from Bulava launch, one of the trial tasks was to test full speed mode, and it was done. Also, the state inter-agency commission inspected tactical control systems”, said Marichev.

Source: rusnavy, September 2, 2011;