USS Bonhomme Richard Remembers September 11

Training & Education


Sailors aboard USS Bonhomme Richard marked the 10th anniversary of 9/11 prior to pulling in from a brief underway period Sept. 8.

“It’s important to remember these events, so we don’t forget our history,” said Capt. Jonathan Harnden commanding officer of USS Bonhomme Richard while addressing the crew. “When I was young, it was ‘where were you when JFK was shot,’ and today, it’s where were you on 9/11.”

Lt. Jason DiPinto, ship’s chaplain, organized the ceremony explaining it was something he thought needed to be done for the crew.

“I think we all have something to offer when remembering that day. It’s important to incorporate what we do as Sailors, and why we do it, into the remembrance and healing process,” he said.

The brief ceremony consisted of a slide show depicting the events of that day and a few remarks by the commanding officer, followed by a reading of the events of that Tuesday morning and moment of silence commemorating the victims.

Nearly all of Bonhomme Richard’s 900-plus crewmembers attended the ceremony.

Source: navy, September 12, 2011;