Russia: Baltic Fleet Conducts Landing Assault Drill

Training & Education


Tactical landing assault drill was conducted in Kaliningrad region at Khmelevka Range under auspices of Baltic Fleet (BF) Commander, told BF Information Support Group to Central Navy Portal.

The fleet’s surface and submarine forces were involved in the exercise, as well as coast defense troops, naval aviation, engineer troops, auxiliary and logistic support units. In total, 25 surface ships and supply vessels, a diesel submarine, 9 airplanes and helicopters, and over 40 combat vehicles took part in the drill. Ship strike group also included assets of Leningrad Naval Base – corvette Stereguschiy, and small-size ASW ships Zelenodolsk and Kazan.

Landing assault operation was carried out by large landing ships Minsk and Kaliningrad. Twenty two amphibious personnel carriers with two BF marine companies have reached the coast. Being dropped from helicopters, servicemen of naval engineer battalion headed by Lt. Col. Igor Grishin prepared minefield lanes in landing area. During a two-side exercise, about 600 marines practiced both seizure of a seashore area and its defense.

“Within the framework of tactical drill, marines trained breakthrough battle with defending “enemy”, delivery of simultaneous sea and land strikes, and organization of coast defense”, said BF Marine Brigade Commander Col. Yury Boichenko.

Top-ranking representatives of BF command gave high marks to the exercise participants. Final results of the drill will be summarized after analysis of all tasks performed at sea, air, and land.

Source: rusnavy, September 28, 2011