Russia: CF Ships Return From Center-2011 Exercise

Training & Education


Caspian Flotilla (CF) ships and coastal troops participated in the Center-2011 strategic exercise are returning to home bases. In the morning of Sept 27 they started to move by combined method.

One part of CF coastal troops consisting of marine battalion and mobile communication center will embark on railway cars and platforms and move to home bases by railway.

Ship task group will hold underway drills on joint maneuvering in severe weather conditions, and the crews will conduct elements of qualification tasks. The second marine battalion will return to bases by landing boats and auxiliary ships.

In Sept 16-26, CF servicemen practiced antiaircraft operations, delivering missile and artillery strikes upon “enemy” ships and land troops, and took part in landing operation on unprepared coast jointly with Kazakhstan Navy marines.

Totally, Caspian Flotilla dispatched up to 1,000 servicemen, 10 surface ships, landing boats, and supply vessels, 20 combat and special-purpose vehicles to the Center-2011 joint exercise.

Source: rusnavy, September 29, 2011