Monument to Russian Sailors Opened In Greek Island Vido



A monument to Russian sailors of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov’s squadron was opened on Oct 8 on Greek island Vido as a part of 10th international public forum “Russian Week on Corfu”, report the festivity initiators.

In 1799, the battle at Vido under command of Admiral F. Ushakov founded liberation of Corfu Island fr om French troops and independence of Greece. Also, it brought worldwide fame to Russian Navy.

To attend the monument opening ceremony, Russian large landing ship Caesar Kunikov​ called at the island, as well as historical three-masted sailer Svyatitel Petr.

The monument was created by known Russian sculptor Sergei Sorokin.

Tenth jubilee festival “Russian Week on Corfu” is taking place on the Greek island wh ere relics of St. Spyridon lie, one of the most esteemed saints in Russia. The festival finishes on Oct 10.

Politicians, scientists, writers, historians, military, artists, businessmen, Russian and Greek churchmen, and residents of Corfu Island celebrate 10th anniversary since laudation of St. Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, Russian Navy’s patron, and his outstanding historical victory at Corfu laying the foundation of Greek independence.

The festival was initiated by World Russian People’s Council, St. Petersburg Administration, Corfu municipal authorities, St. Daniel’s Monastery (Moscow), “Russian Businessman” Foundation, and Russian Honorary Consul on Ionian Islands.

Seizure of Corfu

Seizure of Corfu was a military operation of Russo-Turkish fleet against French troops consolidated on the island. Plan of attack on Corfu was made in details by Ushakov, and on Feb 18, 1799 at 7 am the operation started on a signal given by flagship Svyatoi Pavel.

Resistance of coastal batteries was broken down by 11 am, and assault landing party was brought to Corfu on Ushakov’s command. Oar-propelled vessels with landing units on board reached coast in three sites. Having successfully overcome forward positions, Russian troops rapidly reached the island’s center.

By 2 pm the winners dominated on the island of Vido, Russian flags fluttered everywhere, and commander could concentrate all forces against main fortifications of Corfu Island.

Mighty fort of Corfu had never been seized before and was considered unwinnable; however, it yielded to bravery and proficiency of Russian sailors. According to terms of surrender signed on Feb 20 on board Russian flagship Svyatoi Pavel, the French were allowed to leave the island providing that they would not participate in combat actions for 18 months.

With seizure of Corfu, Ionic Islands were completely liberated from reign of France.

Source: rusnavy, October 11, 2011