Russian Defense Ministry Orders Conceptual Design for Prospective Aircraft-Carrying Cruiser



Russian defense ministry ordered a conceptual design for prospective aircraft-carrying cruiser from JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), reports Interfax citing defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov.

He noted, however, that State Arms Program 2011-2020 did not provide financing for construction of such ships. “No money assigned for that till 2020, and we’ve no such plans“, said the minister. Conceptual design of an aircraft carrier must be completed till 2012 is over. “Industry, particularly USC, are to show us this project. If we’re satisfied with it and understand the carrier and its escort ships would have unique capabilities unobtainable by other assets, we could probably build it“, explained Serdiukov.

President of USC Roman Trotsenko said in mid-Oct 2011 that development of the ship’s technical design was in progress and final decision whether to build such ships would be made in 2017. Trotsenko announced late in June 2011 that construction of an 80-ton aircraft carrier would be started in Russia in 2018 and last 5 year. Later on, defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov and Vice Premier Sergei Ivanov confuted that information.

At present, Russian Navy operates one aircraft carrier – Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov. The ship was built in 1985 under Project 11435 Krechet and joined the Navy in 1991. The carrier is stationed at Northern Fleet; her air wing comprises 33 deck-based fighters Su-33 and 12 helicopters Ka-27. In 2012 the carrier will be laid up for modernization which is to finish in 2017.

Naval Today Staff , November 21, 2011;