Russia: Baltiysky Zavod Shipyard to Participate in Construction of Hulls for Two Mistrals



JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) and Baltiysky Zavod shipyard on Dec 2 signed a RUR 2.5-bln agreement providing that the yard’s productive capacities would participate in construction of hulls of two Mistral-class assault landing ships, reports RIA Novosti.

The document was endorsed by president of USC Roman Trotsenko and acting Director General of Baltiysky Zavod Valery Venkov. The subscription was held in the presence of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

First two Mistral-class helicopter carriers for Russian Navy will be constructed in France; the parties signed the EUR 1.2-bln contract in June 2011. As is planned, the first ship would be handed over to Russia in 2014, and the second one – in 2015.

French defense shipbuilding company DCNS reported in the last week that the advance payment had been obtained and construction of the first Mistral for Russia was started.

Hulls for the third and fourth ships will be built in Russia. Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin said in Sept that the second couple of Mistrals would be 80% made in Russia and 20% – in France.

Displacement of Mistral-class assault landing ship is 21,000 tons; length overall is 210 meters; speed is over 18 knots; operating range is up to 20,000 nautical miles; crew is 160 men plus 450-men landing party. Air wing comprises 16 helicopters including six placed on the flight deck. It is planned to station eight Ka-52K and eight Ka-29 helicopters on each Russian Mistral ship.

Naval Today Staff , December 06, 2011