Russian Navy to Re-Equip Warships with New Gyrocompasses till 2018



Warships of Russian Navy will be re-equipped with new gyrocompasses till 2018; they will bring navigation security to advanced level, said a spokesman for the Navy on Jan 16 at press conference.

“Experimental prototypes of those systems have been effectively tested on ships and will be commissioned in the current year… Batch procurement of the new equipment will start in 2013“, he noted.

According to the official, the program provides replacement of currently used Soviet-made Kurs-type gyrocompasses with new heading indication systems based on fiber-optic gyroscopes. The work is held jointly with State Research Navigational and Hydrographic Institute.

The spokesman said till 2018 all Russian Navy’s warships, submarines, and auxiliary vessels will be re-equipped with new heading indication systems providing navigation security at up-to-date and high-reliable level.

“In Jan 18-20, a working group from defense ministry’s navigation and oceanography department will visit a number of organizations designing course indicators”, said the Navy’s spokesman.

Naval Today Staff , January 18, 2012